Players have a fun time checking answers and the judge keeping score. Each player completes the Scattergories list in their chatbox, and then sends it to the host or to whoever acts as the predetermined judge. Players can play Scattergories on Zoom with one player as host doing a share screen, showing the random letter and 12 categories for which suitable words must be provided. It is possible to play Scattergories Online for free using websites such as Swellgarfo, Catergories and City, Country, River. The online version looks like the following: FREE Websites to play Scattergories This is a great activity to use, even when unprepared. It’s fun to play in normal or online classes. You can let students do it individually, in pairs, or place them in groups. If the student can’t think of a vegetable starting with D, they leave the category blank and continue to the next category, sports, where they can write ‘darts’ or ‘diving’. The names could be donkey, dove, or dolphin in category one, where students have to decide if birds and fish are animals. For example if the random letter is “D”, students must write down words starting with D next to each of the categories, which could be “types of animals kinds of vegetables kinds of sport” etc. Players then have 3 minutes to write unique answers to each category starting with the chosen letter. In Scattergories, the websites picks a random letter and 12 categories.